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銆愭柊鍝佹帹鑽愩 戜綋澶栬瘖鏂 瘯鍓傜敤 鍗崇敤鍨婭VD鍘熻緟鏂? 婵 娲绘憾閰朵綋鍙 琛拌 佺殑绁炵粡骞茬粏鑳炴仮澶嶉潚鏄? 鍚堟垚楂樺垎瀛愯В鍐宠偪鐦よ 愯嵂闂 锛屾悶瀹氳 愯嵂鐧岀粏鑳炰笉鏄 锛? 鏈変簡杩欑 鏂板瀷鎶椾綋锛佽秴绾ц 愯嵂鑿屽厠闆蜂集姘忚偤鐐庤弻鎴栬 鏃犲 鍙 冧簡! 绉戝 瀹舵彁鍑哄紑鍙戦 氱敤鍨嬫祦鎰熺柅鑻楃殑鎴樼暐璁 垝. 瑗垮疂鐢熺墿绉戞妧锛堜笂娴凤級鑲 唤鏈夐檺鍏 徃鏃椾笅璇曞墏浜у搧缃戠珯 鐗堟潈鎵 鏈? .
seebio biotech,inc.
Shanghai Seebio Biotech,Inc.
11-502 Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech park
Shanghai, Shanghai, 201204
Brand name polysaccharide, in Canada since 2002. Referred and trusted by doctors for over 15 years. Is a triple certified Tri-Emblem. All the science, all the safety, all the studies.
Leads, Cables and Accessories for tens, nmes and Pain management.